Dear Iris,
I know i been hissing and maybe thown a few growls your way but I fing we can make this work there are a few rulees you need to know about.
1) i am the king you must adress me as King mu shue or your Hingness mu shue
2) You must lick my paws when asked
3) speeking about licking I am a groomahilc I luff to groom other cats you must let me groom you all over and sit still while i do this and not fight back or try to groom me
4) while on the subject of Grooming You must hold Lilly so she dose not paw puch me while i groom her all over especaly her bottom
5) This meezer mewo fing at 2:30 am for attenton must stop. I was all cuddly in the big bed next to mama laura when she had to get up and cheek on you
6) you must stop the meezer mewoing during the day. I am tired I sleep druning the day I am a senior catsion and must be treeted wiff respect so i can ap
7) Sticky goodness is seved at 5:30 am shap You may not eat my sticky goodness I eat the sticky goodness first and I may eat your
8) my kib kib is not for shareing but yours is
9) I see you like to pounce. You may nefur pounce on me. senior catson thing again But how ever Lilly is fair game and quite pouncbal if i say so my slef
10) I see you like my seeegul and wirly bird you may only play wiff them when I let you
11) all toys belong to me you may only play wiff what i let you
12) all beds belong to me enloching yours you may only sleep in one after i am done testing it out
13) one cat on the big bed at a time., You and Lilly are nevfur to be there it is my big bef
14) you must help me wake mama laura up at 4;25 am to prepaer for the 5;30 am sticky goodness
15) the drink well fountion is mine
16) all catnip is mine and i dont share
17) all chicken treets are mine and I dont share
18) I uses 2 of the four litter boxes my self are never to set paw in them
19) you are not only to cover for you but also for lilly. It drives me crazy she dont cover
20) the botom and the middle of the scrching tree is mine you may only use the tree when i let you
21) i make the rules and i can add or change any at any time
22) you must follow all my roole
If you have a problem wiff my rooles you can liff with
Skeezix he may have a blue sweeter for you to wereand he finks you so coootie.
Mu shue Pooh King cat DONT FORGET THAT