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Friday, March 02, 2007


okay in light of every thing going on I think we need this every one open up there paws and start hugging each other In the words of maam faviort purrple dinnsor ( heck she works wiff toddlers all day) I love you you love me were one happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you wont you say you love me too..

{{{{{ every cat who can fit into my paw}}}} I luff you all

Mu shue Let play Hug tag... What 4 cats have you huged I start every cat hug four other cats and were all be hugging in no time

1. Grrr coco and midnigh

2. Icon baxter bently

3. Kc and Missy

4. Kazie

Update I am so exicted to have HUGANOTHER CAT DAY be such a SUCCESS. I even huged Lilly Lu this morning before i hissed at her and hit her on the head ( what can I say old habbits die hard) But i am so excited that with the frist 4 hugs i given i watched so meany other cats been huged. We as cats can accomish great things when we stop hurting and start hugging. Mama Said other great thing about workig with toddlers is the uncondtial hugs she gets all the time. She said no matter what is going on when she stop and starts singing the "I love you" song with her kids they put down what every they are doing and start hugging each other. Maybe we can learn from the very young hummins after all when they grow up were going to need them to take care of us.

So with that in mine I want you to know That I luff you alll and we relly are one happy family. And like a Family we all diffent but thats what makes us unquine. UHOOO I feel another Barney song coming on ... Mama you got to get rid of that dinnsor.... I love you all> Conder your self Huged


Daisy said...

Oh, Mu shue, you are so sweet.

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

Thank you for giving me a big hug!
purrs purrs purrsss

The M's said...

A Hug-a-Thon how wonderful.
I am having trouble with Icon's site, it keeps giving me an error message. Is it just me or has something horrible happened?

Tara said...

Such a good idea! Daisy hugged me, and I tell you, I really needed it today! I'm off to find 4 cats!


Smeagol and Strider, Mystery (Sunnin' at the Bridge) and Gizmo too! said...

That's a great idea, Mu Shue! We luffs you too!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Good idea, Mu Shue!

Anonymous said...

that's lovely - we'll go start hugging right now. thank you!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Grate idea! Grr, Midnight an Cocoa hugged me an Bonnie. Huggin Bonnie is dangerous! We'll pass it on! Hugs an purrs!

Forty Paws said...

That's a grate idear u had to start a cat huggeython Mu Shue!!


Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

Tara tagged us, and we were so happy to be hugged. You are very sweet!

Lux said...

Hugs are good for your health, you know ...

Lux said...

Hugs to you, Mu shue!

Pumpkin said...

Mu Shue, that wuz a grate idear abowt starting the circle of hugs. I sented owt mine hugs and I'z sending owt an extra one to yu!
(((Mu shue)))

Tommy and Teaghan said...

We hugs you back!

MaoMao said...

Kimo & Sabi hugged me -- oh, how I love huggies. What a nice thing to do, starting a huggie tag.

Anonymous said...

Great idea. I send a hug for you .

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Fanks for da story bout da blue jays an Kayla. It made our eyes leak too.

Rosie & Cheeto said...

WOW, What a grate hug game!!! We wanna play! ...were going to hug yoo (Mu Shue), Jeter Harris (burthday kitty), Ellie (also a burthday kitty), Ariel (a purty kitty) and eachothur...

Rownd two. We're going to hug:(names all the cats in the blogosphere!)

Artsy Catsy said...

GIANT **{{{HUGGGS}}}* from Rocky to my very bestest buddy Mu Shue, and Lilly Lu, Iris & Mama Laura, too! Oh, and tell your Mama Laura that I put your check in the mail from the bookmark benefit, so anytime now you'll get all those hugs from efurrybody who wants to help you get well again.

P.S. Lucy sends cute little ragdoll **{{{hugs}}**, Fracas sends big ole ginger **{{hugs}}** and Callie sends sloppy old lady kisses. And all the upstairs kitties send **{{hugs}}** from on high!! We are one big **{{huggin'}}** household over here!

sammawow said...

Hi Mu Shue - we think your great idea of hugging is just wonderful and so we are sending you big {{{hugs}}} from both of us! Now we'll go hug Lilly and Iris too!

China Cat & Willow

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I'm sorry I missed this.....we had issues at I am sending you a hug for starting all this!