Frist mama Laura shoved me in my prizon box this was taken in the hall of are building Before i knew it I was in her gold meadle moster
I was straped in the middle seat bealt and off went of a 45 Min drive
Frist we have to go on the hig way near are house it called root 9 thats Mama faviort ducken dounts they know he by name since she stop for her coffie every morning there.
Next wee went on another high way called Mass Pike mama always wines about this high way becuse of the tools and it funding something called the "big dig" that she never uses I wonder if they digging in a litter box This high conncots to another highway called 128 this is were it confusing becuse we live North west of the city but you have to go south even though you think you want to go north
We arived at Raido cat that was marked something else beucse there an emencey clinic there too. And we meet Nicole I imitely started to cry after being a good boy the whole time I would not even look at mama becuse she was just going to leave me there. Accding to miss Priss thats what mama calls her I mewoed the whole 3 days I was there i was furry upset and missed mama Laura and Lilly and Iris very much
I have to contutine this later becuse i getting upset again about that fact mamma Laura left me and I had to cry for 3 days. I luff mama Laura
Mu shue, I am very interested to learn all about your radio-cat ordeal. You were very brave! And you had to drive a very long time in the prison box.
I agree with Daisy, you do need to tell us all about it. It will make you feel better. Mama Laura hated doing that to you, but she knew it was the best for you! For for you for still loving her.
Mu shue, that was quite an ordeal you went through but it's good that your Mama Laura loves you and is taking good care of you.
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Thanks for posting the picture story, part one. I can't wate to see the rest!!
KC said...
o, mu shue, i's so glad tha radio-tretmint is all overs. i can't wait ta hear mores of tha story.
it was quite an ordeal u's wented through.
purrrs, KC
Ooo - this is furry interesting. Please keep us updated...
We are glad you are home. Remember no matter how it was at the vet with Miss Priss, it's all better now that you are home!
LOL What part of MA are you in? I know rt 9 and the pike and I live off of 128. But were you on 128 or on 128 and 95? What dr did you go to?
Um, yoo hafta go south to go north? Musta been beans dat bilt dat! Sorry yoo hadda go away frum yoor momma fur 3 days and cry. Izent it nice to be home and not hasta cry. We'z waiting to heer da rest of da story...
Don't cry MuShue, you are home again now. Your mum only took you to RadioCat because she loves you very much and wants you to be better.
Mu Shue, good to know you're home and doing well. Was your throat sore after crying for three days?
Remember, Mama Laura did all that because she loves you.
{{huuggss}} from all of us to Mu SHue and the rest of the family, especially Mama Laura.
we live in Framingham, Ma right off rote 9 if you go strait pass the natick mall all the way up you will find us we live off the pike too about 5 mins mama like to go east into natick becuse of the toll something about 30 cents compaird to 50 cents. The Raido cat place was in waltham on Bear hill road we uses slades vet But it was an Emencey clinc located there too
I'm sorry you cried for three days, Mu shue ... you *were brave, though! I would've been crying, too ...
Poor Mushue,we're glad yer back home. Yer momma Laura wuz only doing what's best furr yoo to git yoo better again. It duzn't sound like miss prissy is werking in the rite place if yer crying annoyed her. She should haf been comforting yoo.
When Munchkin went to the vet, we buckled him in and the lady thought that Mommie was crazy. Glad you were safe during your trip.
Oh Mu Shue, you poor thing having to spend 3 days away from your mama and sisfurs! But I'm sure you know it's only because your mama loves you and wants you to be healthy.
Purrs to you.
sweet baby boy, i would have cried for all 3 days too if someone kept me locked up in a wire cage and only let me out to torture me!!! bless you for being a brave kitty. and believe me, mama laura was havin' to be furry brave too!!!
meower mom
Poor Mu shue!
That is fuwwy upsetting!
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