Here i am relexting on my desk bed wiff out a care in the world and what happens there was a knock on mama Laura's apt door mama Laura nabior tells her "Lilly Lu out in the hall" just becuse i was seen trying to open the door and chaceing Lilly Lu around near the door dose not mean that I did it. OK so it dose but just becuse when she was gone i went to my faviort nap spot for a well desvered Getting Lilly Lu out of here nap dose is no resson to wiff hold tem-tay-tion.
After all lets look at the fact Lilly Lu has been a pain in the tail for the almost 5 years i tryed to get rid of her more than once. She will not let me sit on her head or groom . Her head is very sittable makes a great nap spot and best place to pin her down and groom her.
I think an apploygy is an order mama laura wiff and extra tem-tay-tions
Extra Temptations???? Where???
So sorry Mu shue, but I think Lilly Lu is here to stay! But I think you should still get your share of Temptations.
Sorry buddy, I think your sister is there to stay. If it is any consolation, it took my mommy and uncle years to get along. I'm sure one day out of the blue, Lilly Lu will let you sit on her head and groom. Until then, extra Temptations are in order!
Jsut remember - you da king!
Oh Mu Shue you would miss Lilly Lu but maybe your mama should give you some extra temptations because you are so fluffy cute. It doesn't seem right Lilly wont let you sit on her head. Purrs
Happy Easter Mu Shue and Lilly Lu & Iris
purrs, Icon & family
We know this sounds really silly, but when my 16 year old son was in the office with me and your song was on, he went crazy. He LOVES your Song. He even remembered all the words. It made me cry. Ok Off Topic but thank you for the song, it was good for a soul. We played it about three times before we could even say a word. You gave me something back we had lost. His childhood. Thank you.
Yes! I think you should demand your tem-tay-tions!
I hope you get some extra Temptations Mu Shue! Lilly Lu should really let you sit on her head.
My mama loves this song too. She has the CD for nap time wiff her toddlers she plays the gitare some timesome for music time and she always ends with this song. One little girl in her glass alwauy run to a baskets were we keep the pupppets and get our "pooh" puppet every time mama starts to play this song on her gitare she said it very poplare wiff the toddler crowd okay maybe not as poplaur as twinkle twinkle little star. but it also has my name in it becuse I named after "winnie the pooh"
Lilly Lu just duzzunt seem to get it, duz she?
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