- So I beeen tagged for this true confeinson meme so I am so purrfect i have nothing to confessess Lilly Lu stop laufing and lafing and pull you seef up from rolling on the foor in heap of laughter!!
I might have a slight catnip probelm this is an good example of me wiff My Nana I love this thing
This is what happens after too much nip needless to say I had to pay a vist to my good freinds at catnip anyomous
I am not very nice to Lilly all the time. Here is Lilly Lu as a ten mouth olf kitten here is me getting to know her. I said Lilly Lu want to get to know my paw in your face. This happens every day still i have now master the art of head sitting on Lilly Lu
I cry in the PTU like you would not belive so bad I give my self asmtma attacks and starts painting
This is me wiff Cat nip gorgoe I just makeing a feind a great freind who i love to see every day and eat every day Awww gorge your more than just a freind your NIP!!
last week i hacked up a big old jucie man sized hair ball in the showere and mama cover it with the shower matt and when mama laura walked in it she got a foot full of juice mu shue hair ball Lets just said not nice words came shooting in my diriction okay Sometime i eat Lilly Lu food and I blow chucks after words and i know i should not but i do it any way evaven though i have my own scription food. I do hog the bed and snore so much that the one time we had a mr tasty feet. he left becuse i took too much room and mama laura told him he has to sleep here I messed up the back ground so much on my blog that i can't fix it so now it is white even avist to the help center did not help this one i just tryed to fix it and made it worstI get to tag some cats Let see Rocky, Lilly Lu and Jetter Hairs I fink you all need to confeses about this luv trigale thing you have going on and Masddnes the queen of the Game NO MADDNESS NO
Monday, May 28, 2007
ture confestins
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Hahaha, sitting on LillyLu and furball yacking. You are King MuShue Bad Kitty for sure! Sending you our purrs and hugs and loves
What wonderful confessions MuShue. Be careful about sitting on LillyLu she might bite you on the hiney.
HeeHee! I have a bit of a nip problem too!
Now, see, that wasn't so hard. I agree with Munchkin, Missy and Monte that you might get your booty bitten sitting on Lilly Lu.
good confessions, mu shue! you sound so much like an older brother...bossing lilly lu around, sitting on her head, etc. she just might bite you on the bottom one day!
Those are great confessions. Yacking on a sister must be oodles of fun. ha ha ha I think it was nice of you to yack on the bath mat for easy clean up. I could've been the carpet...
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