Mu shue has made it to pine ridge. I was just looking at his picuter when i got the phone call. I like to invite anyone who would like to come to help us say good bye to a king cat a hero, best freind and brother. He will be put to rest on Firday at one pm this is my final gift to him. I promiced him when i took him in he never want any thing and i tryed to give him to world in return he gave me so much more. I knew he was hanging on for me in the end and he need me to say good bye. This has got to been the hardest thing i ever done. I loved him so much. If you like to come please email me at also memorys of mu shue will be read out loud so if you like soemthing to be read at his sevrce please let me know.
We ask that you hit are doation button as mu shue medical expences were in the thousounds and not payed off.
Mu shue was the type of cat who would want to help other even in our time of need doations can be given in memory Of Mu shue to amiamal resusue leage of Boston Ma, Feline Winn foundation
Thank you for loveing my King Cat he will never beforgoten
PMy lap is too too empty, and cold
the soft resting head no longer there to warm it
.No comfort to be found,
no furry body to strokemy quiet companion gone....
My heart is broken, there are no other words to write it - this empty ache,
this spaceyou filled, loving always, never judging...
My friend has left, and my hands, arms, all helpless to stop it.
Mu shue, fly free, where the fields are greenand filled with friends gone before.
I willcarry you always, your pawprints ever beating,running
joyously to greet me whenever I calland memory stirs in my heart...
We ask that you hit are doation button as mu shue medical expences were in the thousounds and not payed off.
Mu shue was the type of cat who would want to help other even in our time of need doations can be given in memory Of Mu shue to amiamal resusue leage of Boston Ma, Feline Winn foundation
Thank you for loveing my King Cat he will never beforgoten
PMy lap is too too empty, and cold
the soft resting head no longer there to warm it
.No comfort to be found,
no furry body to strokemy quiet companion gone....
My heart is broken, there are no other words to write it - this empty ache,
this spaceyou filled, loving always, never judging...
My friend has left, and my hands, arms, all helpless to stop it.
Mu shue, fly free, where the fields are greenand filled with friends gone before.
I willcarry you always, your pawprints ever beating,running
joyously to greet me whenever I calland memory stirs in my heart...
Oh my, we're so sorry to hear this sad news. Please accept our condolences on the loss of your wonderful boy, MuShue.
George, Tipper, Max, Misty & Crew's Mom
We have been so sad to hear about Mu Shue. He was a wonderful cat.
We were very sorry to hear that Mu Shue had gone to the Bridge. He was a special cat.
We will move Mu Shue from the Gorgeous gingers page to the Rainbow Gingers page and let you know when we have done it.
Big purrs from Fat Eric and his mum
We are so sorry to read this. Our sympathy on your loss, and lots of purrs.
We's so sorry. Purrrrrrrr for alla yall.
Oh this is so sad, I know what is this, I lose Stifler a few weeks ago...
It passes quickly from your body, but not in your soul, you know. Anyone knows the pain you haz 'cuz few know what is that.
My simphathy,
-Brownie's Mom
i am soo sorry for your loss of yur wonderful kitty, I have been in your shoes and it is really hard to lose one you love so dearly. you are in our puurayers.
Miss Henry
Mu shue was a true hero.
I know how hard it was for you to let him go, but you did it for him.
We will never, ever forget Mu shue, he was a wonderful cat.
Mu shue had the best life a cat could want,thanks to you!!When it was time , you let him go.
You have had a lot of years together, so think of all those good times when you are sad.
We will always remember him as a HERO!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
This is so sad, thank you for bringing him into all our lives. Mu Shue will be missed, his photos, his stories, he will be remembered with LOVE. =^Y^=The Cat Street Boyz
We are sad to hear about precious Mu Shue, pls do take good care Laura.
:Our hugs and purryers:
We just heard. We are so, so sorry.
Iris, Lilly Lu, stay close to Mama Laura. She is gonna need some extra kittie cuddles for a while.
Purrs and Purrayers.....
The Last Battle" - Author Unknown
If it should be that I grow frail and weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then will you do what must be done,
For this -- the last battle -- I have won!
You will be sad I understand,
But don't let grief then stay your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.
We have had so many happy years,
You wouldn't want me to suffer so.
When the time comes, please, let me go.
Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,
Only, stay with me till the end
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree
It is a kindness you do to me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.
Don't grieve that it must be you
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We've been so close -- we two -- these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.
Gracie and Mom Debra
We are so sorry to hear about Mu Shue and can imagine the emptiness you feel. But he had the greatest gift of all, he was loved.
We are sorry to hear about Mu Shue, our purrs and prayers to you all.
Mindy & Moe
Mu Shue was such a hero cat and we are so sorry for your loss.
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
I'm so sorry for your loss. It was the ultimate of love you did for him. He will never be forgotten. xxx
(((hugs and headbonks)))
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We are so sorry to hear about Mu Shue. I have heard so many wonderful things about this great kitty.
We're so very sorry to hear that Mu Shue has gone to the bridge. We know that you loved him very, very much and he knew how much he was loved.
Purrs of support during this tough time.
Gentle headbutts,
Charlemagne and Tamar
We are so so sorry about Mu Shue ~ he was such a heroic, handsome and gentle mancat and we are sure you had many happy times together and the memories will always stay with you...sending you many healing purrs from Snow, Leo and Fairy and hoping you find comfort in this difficult time...
We are so sorry to hear about MuShue. He was a true hero and we will all be thinking of you and purring for you and Lily and Iris.
MamaCat & the FurryPurries
Ozzy, Alice, Bootsie, Freckles, Lola, Dandelo & Honey
we are thinking of you, Lilly Lu & Iris now. We are sending you many purrs and prayers.
MuShue will always be remembered.
Mu Shue was a true hero cat and such a wonderful Mancat. He will always be remembered. You did the very best you could for him and let him go when it was time. That was the kindest gift you could give him.
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